The Math

We learned π in middle school. It’s as simple as dividing 22 by 7. Not exactly!

The fraction [math]\frac{22}{7}[/math] gives:

[math]\frac{22}{7}[/math] = 3.142857142857…

When compared to the actual value of π:

π = 3.1415926535

it overestimates the value by about .13% .

The [math]\frac{22}{7}[/math] calculation of π is accurate to two decimal places or 3.14. At the third decimal point it starts to diverge.

Mathematicians have spent centuries refining the calculation of π. Leveraging this wealth of knowledge, we prompted Chat GPT-4.0 in various ways to determine the best approach for writing a π calculator.

Based on our prompts, Chat GPT-4.0 initially selected the Chudnovsky algorithm over the Leibniz formula for building our π calculators. However, despite our efforts, Chat GPT-4.0 was unable to produce working C programs with either method, as documented in our journey log. Ultimately, we turned to the Gauss-Legendre algorithm, which proved to be more successful. During this process, we asked Chat GPT-4.0 to explain the Gauss-Legendre algorithm and to compare the Leibniz formula with the Chudnovsky algorithm. Below, you’ll find the prompts we used and the responses we received.


Can you tell me about the Gauss-Legendre Algorithm and why it is so good at calculating PI?

The Gauss-Legendre Algorithm is one of the most efficient methods for calculating the digits of π (pi). It’s particularly well-regarded because it converges very quickly, allowing for the calculation of π to a large number of digits with relatively few iterations.

Overview of the Gauss-Legendre Algorithm:

The algorithm was independently discovered by Carl Friedrich Gauss and Adrien-Marie Legendre in the late 18th century. It is based on the arithmetic-geometric mean (AGM) and involves iterative calculations that rapidly approach π.

The algorithm iteratively computes three sequences: a_n, b_n, and t_n, starting with the following initial values:

1. Initial Values:

[math]a_0 = 1[/math]
[math]b_0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}[/math]
[math]t_0 = \frac{1}{4}[/math]
[math]p_0 = 1[/math]

2. Iterative Steps:

[math]a_{n+1} = \frac{a_n + b_n}{2}[/math]
[math]b_{n+1} = \sqrt{a_n \cdot b_n}[/math]
[math]t_{n+1} = t_n – p_n \cdot (a_n – a_{n+1})^2[/math]
[math]p_{n+1} = 2 \cdot p_n[/math]

3. Final Calculation:

After several iterations (typically just a few are needed for high precision), π is calculated using:

[math]\pi \approx \frac{(a_{n+1} + b_{n+1})^2}{4 \cdot t_{n+1}}[/math]

Why is it so Effective?

1. Quadratic Convergence:

• The Gauss-Legendre Algorithm converges quadratically, meaning that the number of correct digits approximately doubles with each iteration. This rapid convergence is much faster than the linear or sub-linear convergence of many other methods.

2. Stability:

• The algorithm is numerically stable, which means that small errors in the calculations do not significantly affect the final result. This makes it well-suited for high-precision calculations.

3. Efficiency:

• Because of its fast convergence, relatively few iterations are needed to compute π to millions of digits. This efficiency is one of the reasons it was used in early computer-based calculations of π.

Historical Significance:

The Gauss-Legendre Algorithm was used in the 1980s and 1990s to set records for the most digits of π calculated. It played a significant role in demonstrating the power of modern computing and numerical methods. Although even more efficient algorithms have been developed since then (like the Chudnovsky algorithm), the Gauss-Legendre method remains a classic example of how mathematical insight can lead to highly efficient computation.


While the Gauss-Legendre Algorithm is excellent for calculating π, it requires the use of high-precision arithmetic due to the square roots and divisions involved in each iteration. This can make it less practical for systems with limited precision or computational resources.

In summary, the Gauss-Legendre Algorithm is highly regarded because of its rapid convergence and numerical stability, making it one of the best methods for calculating π to a very high degree of accuracy.

Leibniz vs Chudnovsky

Can you explain the difference between the Chudnovsky algorithm and the Leibniz Formula ?

Leibniz Formula


The Leibniz formula for π is one of the simplest and oldest methods for calculating π. It is named after the German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who discovered it in the 17th century.


[math]\pi = 4 \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^k}{2k + 1} = 4 \left( 1 – \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} – \frac{1}{7} + \cdots \right)[/math]

• In general terms, it can be expressed as:

[math]\pi = 4 \left( 1 – \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{5} – \frac{1}{7} + \cdots \right)[/math]


  • Simplicity: The formula is conceptually simple and easy to understand, as it is a straightforward alternating series.
  • Convergence: The main drawback of the Leibniz formula is its slow convergence. Each additional term in the series provides only a small increase in accuracy, so millions of terms are required to get just a few decimal places of π.
  • Historical significance: Despite its inefficiency, the Leibniz formula is historically important because it was one of the first infinite series representations of π.

Chudnovsky Algorithm


The Chudnovsky algorithm is a much more recent and sophisticated method for calculating π. It was developed by the Chudnovsky brothers, David and Gregory, in 1988. This algorithm is one of the most efficient known methods for calculating large numbers of digits of π.


The Chudnovsky algorithm is based on a rapidly converging series derived from Ramanujan’s π formulas. It involves a combination of arithmetic and hypergeometric functions. The formula is:

[math]\frac{1}{\pi} = 12 \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^k (6k)! (545140134k + 13591409)}{(3k)! (k!)^3 (640320)^{3k + \frac{3}{2}}}[/math]


  • Efficiency: The Chudnovsky algorithm converges extremely quickly, allowing billions or even trillions of digits of π to be computed with relatively few terms. This makes it one of the preferred methods for calculating π to a high precision.
  • Complexity: The formula is more complex and requires more advanced mathematical concepts and computational resources than the Leibniz formula.
  • Modern use: This algorithm is used in computer programs and algorithms to calculate π to millions or billions of digits, often breaking world records in the process.

Summary of Differences

  • Convergence Speed: The Chudnovsky algorithm converges much faster than the Leibniz formula, making it far more efficient for calculating π to many decimal places.
  • Complexity: The Leibniz formula is simple and easy to understand, while the Chudnovsky algorithm is mathematically complex and computationally intensive.
  • Historical vs. Modern Use: The Leibniz formula is of historical significance but is not practical for modern high-precision calculations. The Chudnovsky algorithm is a modern method used for record-breaking calculations of π.

In essence, the Leibniz formula is a good introductory method for understanding infinite series and π, while the Chudnovsky algorithm is a powerful tool for serious computational tasks.